Oct 11, 2017
Better Living Blueprint
Eric Connor
EP 011 Getting Unstuck
Everyone has patterns that keep us stuck in a situation. Getting unstuck from it, however, does not just happen overnight. What could be the reason behind it and what steps do you need to take? Tune in!
There are different patterns that can get us stuck in a situation. It could be a routine or a ritual. But there is no shame in admitting them, because they are part of what makes us human.
"All of us have patterns that are keeping us stuck and they can take a variety of shapes and sizes." - Eric Connor
Ask yourself, what are those things you have been wanting to do? Perhaps you have long wanted to change but couldn't manage to do so.
In which situation of your life do you feel stuck? Getting unstuck, however, does not just require the decision to change. It also calls for a strategy to implement.
"Change doesn't just happen by accident." - Eric Connor
Realize that you did not just arrive at the decision by accident. It can come from life, pain, or consequences you experienced.
Change is not easy. But if you want it, you have to be clear about it. Something in your life made you decide to do so.
"It is very hard to change if you are still very ambivalent." - Eric Connor
It might even have taken awhile before you decided to change. And sometimes the best thing that can happen is to be in a more painful situation for you to decide it's enough.
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The Better Living Blueprint website
Email: eric@betterlivingblueprint.com
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